Non Profit Board and Organizational Consulting
5 key factors that impact successful leadership
Our framework assess where you and your organization are against these 5 critical leadership success factors and helps you build a plan for your organization or for yourself that will produce the desired results. These are just a few questions for each key area:
1. capability
Are you clear on the skills, knowledge, understanding needed for the current challenges you are facing? What are the weakness that are holding you or your organization back? Do you have the individuals with the appropriate skills and mind set for the work that needs to be done as the organization moves forward?
2. confidence
Do you believe that you and your team can accomplish your personal and organizational goals? Are you willing to take the risks necessary to move your career or your organization forward? Do you have the support you need to be successful?
3. context
Are you aware of the culture of your organization? Does your staff culture differ from the organizational culture? What are the perceptions and expectations of your board, your staff and your stakeholders? How are the decisions you are making impacting the various groups in the organization? How are you being received by staff and board? What will be the impact of specific actions you are considering? What meaning is being assigned to some of your words and actions by various groups?
4. communication
Are you conveying your ideas in a clear and concise manner to all stakeholder groups? Are you tailoring your messages to each key audience? Is there clarity? Is there buy in? Have you developed your personal brand and the brand of your organization? Do you communicate on a regular basis using varied formats? How often do you test for effectiveness of your messages? Are goals clear and is there a roadmap for the organization that can be followed? Are you believable?
5. Creative focus
Are you dealing with the most critical issues that need your attention? Is your team? Have you prioritized work for your team and set metrics to measure results? Do you have an appropriate infrastructure that provides effective delegation and information sharing? Do you have a curiosity about current and future trends, other organizations and industries and unique leaders and ideas? Have you instilled a culture of innovation and curiosity? Do you have system to focus on current programs and issues while also allocating time for preparing for future realities? How do innovative ideas get generated and supported in your organization? Where does generative thinking happen? Who is involved?